Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Research
South Africa has the highest reported Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) prevalence rates in the world, ranging from 26/1000 (2,6%) in Gauteng to 282/1000 (28,2%) in the Northern Cape Province (May, 2016; Olivier, 2016; Urban, 2016). Until 2014 no FASD prevalence studies have been done to date in provinces such as the Eastern Cape (this is the first study), Free State KwaZulu Natal, North West, Limpopo and Mpumalanga Provinces. Using the existing FARR prevalence study rates in 2008, the Department of Health estimated the country’s FASD prevalence rate to be approximately 6% (Presentation by Corrigal, 2008). Since then very high prevalence rates have been reported in the Western, Eastern and Northern Cape Provinces, so the estimated country rate remains a risky guess.
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Nilson Research Report March 2013
ECLB has subscribed to Nielsen Company to obtain information on Liquor Industry market research so as to monitor trends and market size by province in the liquor market. This liquor industry data builds on the data that ECLB received in September 2012. The South African liquor industry is a major force in the South African economy, providing employment and income to a number of households and making a substantial contribution to government tax revenue. According to Association for Responsible Alcohol Use (2012) liquor industry’s manufacturing operations and capital expenditure are responsible for an estimated R94.2 billion (or 4, 4%) of South Africa’s gross domestic product. The industry’s GDP multiplier is estimated at R2.08 which means that forevery R1.00 in sales revenue generated by the liquor industry, R2.08 is added to the country’s GDP (ARA, 2012).
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Rhodes Research Report
This research, funded by the Eastern Cape Liquor Board, was conducted in support of the FASfacts intervention in Buffalo City. The FASfacts intervention has both a community education component and a support for pregnant women component. The community education component consists of the Train-the-Trainer Programme, aimed at community leaders and volunteers who are trained as facilitators to create awareness and educate community members. The Pregnant Women Mentoring Programme (PWMP) supports pregnant women in abstaining from substance use during pregnancy and whilst breastfeeding by providing them with a lay counselling service focused on education, emotional support and motivation.
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Social & Economic Impacts of Alcohol Abuse in the Eastern Cape
But this is an average for the whole country and we know that averages often hide important facts. Do people drink more or less in the EC? Is there a difference for men or women?
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