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Unallocated funds


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The function of the ECLB is to regulate the registration of retail sales and micro-manufacturing of liquor in the province


Fraud undermines the fight against poverty by putting money that is meant for infrastructure and development into the pockets of corrupt officials. It increases the cost of public services and slows down service delivery to the public.

You do not have to give your name when reporting fraud or corruption using:

National Anti-Corruption Hotline
0800 701 701 (toll free number)

Report anonymously to our internal audit by sending an email to: sam@lunika.co.za


Shop 10 Beacon Bay Crossing
Bonza Bay Road, East London, 5241
Phone: 043 7000 900
Fax: 043 726 4101
Complaints : 0800 000 420
WhatsApp : 076 403 6223

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